This site is designed using CSS to control the layout and the presentation of the content. You appear to be using an old browser, or one that cannot read CSS. Try visiting and getting a nice new one that can!

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About this site

This site is really just a glorified CV, but it does demonstrate a little of what I do.

The site uses Cascading Style Sheets to control the layout and visual look of the site. In the left hand menu you can see a number of buttons under the title 'Visual Options'. These buttons change the active stylesheet file and allow the user to completely change the visual appearance of the site at the drop of a hat.

The added advantage of using stylesheets is that it 'separates content from styles'. In layman's terms this simply means that the page is still functional with or without an active stylesheet. This renders the page accessible via any browser on any platform - PC, Mac, PDA, mobile phone, web tv, kiosk etc. Hit the 'No Style' button and you'll see that all the site content is accessible - it just looks a bit dull.

All of the coding for the site is 'Standards Compliant' and it validates as per the W3C's specifications for XHTML.